Intel 8085 instruction decode ROM

In my layers drawing instruction decode ROM occupies rectangle from 5263,1866 to 5712,3117. In the table below the content of the ROM is shown. Every 1 means a FET which can pull each line down. The table is in the same sequence as it is in the real chip.
Particular line is high when instruction register contains corresponding instruction. Every line contains NOR term meaning default value is logical 1. The ROM has 18 inputs. Every bit of instruction register and its negation (INS_B0, /INS_B0 ... INS_B7, /INS_B7) and two additional signals used for decoding of M pseudoregister.
First is INS_M1 defined as NOR(/INS_B5,/INS_B4,INS_B3) i.e. is 1 for instructions xx110xxx and 0 otherwise. The second is INS_M2 and is defined as NOR(/INS_B2,/INS_B1,INS_B0) i.e. is 1 for instructions xxxxx110 and 0 otherwise.
Every pair of instruction bit and its negation can tell if corresponding bit should be 0, 1 or don't care. Note that there is no decode line for NOP instruction. The reason is that this instruction does not do anything specific.
Instruction register gets loaded during cycle M1, state T3, phase P1 and it is held there till M1, T2, P2 of the next instruction.
In the instruction list below ALU means all 8 ALU instructions (ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB, ANA, XRA, ORA, CMP) or their immediate version (ADI, ACI, SUI, SBI, ANI, XRI, ORI, CPI). String cc in Jcc, Ccc, Rcc means all condition code variants, i.e. JNZ, JZ, JNC, JC, JPO, JPE, JP, JM, etc.
String nonM1 or nonM2 means all registers but M as destination register, string nonM2 has an analogue meaning for source register.
The output from this ROM are 48 lines (decoded instructions). All 48 lines go to the right side where instruction timing ROM is. This ROM tells how long each instruction in cycles and clocks is. The content and explanation of this ROM can be found here.
Only 46 lines go to the left side where control signals for ALU and register file are created. The two signals which do not go to the left are for instructions DI, EI and HLT. The reason is that those instructions do not use ALU or change registers so their functionality is implemented in the right side of the chip.
In the table below bitmasks are shown. If a corresponding bit contains "x" it means that it is a don't-care bit. If there is a "+" sign it means that the corresponding bit is one of a don't-care triplet which may be anything but "110" (M1 or M2).
  Bitmask   Instruction(s)
0110 0110 1000 1010 00 
1111 x011
0000 0100 0000 0001 10 
10xx x+++
 ALU nonM2
1010 0100 0000 0110 00 
11xx x110
 ALU imm
0101 1000 1010 0101 00 
001x 0000
1010 0100 0000 0101 00 
10xx x110
1010 0100 0000 1010 00 
11xx x111
 RST x
1010 1000 1000 1001 00 
001x x111
0110 0101 0101 1010 00 
1100 1011
0110 1010 1010 0101 00 
0011 0010
0110 1010 1001 0101 00 
0011 1010
0101 0110 0101 1010 00 
1101 1001
1001 0101 1001 1010 00 
1110 1101
0110 1001 1010 0101 00 
0010 0010
0110 1001 1001 0101 00 
0010 1010
1010 1000 0000 0101 01 
00++ +110
 MVI nonM1
0110 0110 0101 1010 00 
1101 1011
1010 1010 1010 0101 00 
0011 0110
0110 0110 0110 1010 00 
1101 0011
0101 0101 0101 1010 00 
1100 1001
0101 0100 0000 0110 00 
11xx x000
0101 1000 0001 1001 00 
00xx 1001
0101 1001 0101 0101 00 
0000 1000
0101 1010 0101 0101 00 
0001 1000
0101 1000 1001 0101 00 
001x 1000
0101 1010 0110 0101 00 
0001 0000
1010 1000 0100 1001 00 
000x x111
1001 0100 0010 1010 00 
11xx 0101
0101 0100 0010 1010 00 
11xx 0001
0101 0110 1001 1010 00 
1111 1001
0110 0100 0000 0110 00 
11xx x010
0110 0101 0110 1010 00 
1100 0011
1001 0110 0001 1010 00 
11x1 1101
0101 0101 1001 1010 00 
1110 1001
1001 0100 0000 0110 00 
11xx x100
1001 0101 0101 1010 00 
1100 1101
0110 0101 1010 1010 00 
1110 0011
0110 1000 0010 1001 00 
00xx 0011
0110 1000 0001 1001 00 
00xx 1011
1001 1000 0000 0001 01 
00++ +10x
 INR nonM1, DCR nonM1
1001 1010 1010 0001 00 
0011 010x
0110 1000 0110 0101 00 
000x 0010
0110 1000 0101 0101 00 
000x 1010
0101 1000 0010 1001 00 
00xx 0001
0000 1010 1010 0010 10 
0111 0+++
 MOV M,nonM2
1010 1000 0000 0110 01 
01++ +110
 MOV nonM1,M
0000 1000 0000 0010 11 
01++ ++++
 MOV nonM1,nonM2
0110 0101 1001 1010 00 
1110 1011
1010 1010 1010 0110 00 
0111 0110